No matter if you’re headed into the office for the first time, you’ve been at your job for years, or maybe you’re switching work places – it’s important to set boundaries at work. Here are 4 ways to set boundaries at the office and one reason why you need to do this ASAP!
When it comes to setting boundaries at work you want to take stock of how your process things, how your office as a whole runs, and how you personally view your career. Taking stock makes sure you have all the information necessary to create clear boundaries.
Setting Boundaries at Work
Try to Delegate – this is easier when you’re in a managerial position but you can still delegate if you’re not. If a task is not in your job description then feel free to delegate that to the person who actually gets paid to do that task. Just because you CAN do a job doesn’t mean it needs to be added to your plate all the time. Taking on more work than you need to just causes more stress. Delegate what you should.
Keep Friends and Work Separate – I know everyone has that one friend at work that you can meet their eyes in a meeting and just know what they’re thinking. You’ve got a work spouse, you’ve got the friend who sits down by your desk and says “guess what…” everyone has a work friend. I would encourage you to keep your work friends at work. To take that friendship out of the work place is crossing a major boundary – the one that (should) separate work and personal life; and crossing that has major consequences. If you’re moving to a new job I suggest keeping your work relationships professional.
Determine when your work day ends – Is it at 5pm? 7pm? When do you stop responding to work emails, picking up work calls, or discussing work projects? When ever your stopping point is you need to clearly communicate that delineation to your team or the people who would try to contact you after the time. Tip: determine what constitutes an emergency so your team knows.
Use your Time Off – this an more of an exercise in your work boundaries. You worked for that vacation and sick time so use it and use it fully. Don’t answer emails while you’re out. If you’re taking a mental health day, and you KNOW I believe you should, then that means you don’t do any work during it! If you’re sick then your only focus that day is getting better not work.
Prepare for some flack from others at work because you’re taking the time you deserve or you’re suddenly not doing work they have to do now. This is normal. When you finally start setting boundaries at work you can get push back because people have been taking advantage (hopefully not on purpose) of you not having boundaries! Keep going!
Alright, here’s one reason why you should be setting boundaries at work – it’s good for your mental health and you know how much I think everyone should care about their mental health! When you have proper boundaries at the office it creates structure for you to thrive.