It’s March baby! Are you ready for this month? I feel like I’ve barley survived February… at least I have power and water now right? Uffda! At the beginning of each month there are a few things that I do to prep for the month; well things that I should do to get ready for the month.
TBH I don’t always follow through with everything I plan at the beginning of the month but making the plan is the first step right? At least I’m halfway there!

Here are the four things I do at the beginning of each month:

#1 – Declutter everything. Go through your room, the fridge, you closet, you car, your work bag, your office – everywhere and be ruthless! Clean and purge! Are there papers you can scan and save rather than have them loose? What about those sweatshirts you didn’t wear over the winter that you keep telling yourself should go to Goodwill or a Women’s Shelter? How about trashing those underwear you forget to toss and just wash instead? If you could trash and donate a bag of items each month think of how much simpler your life would be!!

#2 – Brain Dump. Get everything out of your head and on paper. It’s so much easier to organize when you can see what you’re thinking on paper. I usually brain dump on one big piece of paper then break that down to seperate lists or reminders because if I try to break it down I usually end up forgetting things. This can be things you want to remember, do, buy, sell, or things you’re worrying about, things you want to google, etc

#3 – Schedule your month. Look at your events coming up and put those on a calendar. Write your deadlines for your goals down so you can visualize them. Plan when you’re going to accomplish your to-dos on your list. Schedule your workouts now when you can see your month ahead, that way, later when you’re adding things to your schedule you already have your workouts in there.

#4 – Prep. Prep your meals and grocery lists. Prep any gifts for birthdays and write/sign any birthday cards you need to send. Plan out some outfits, if you need any work wear ideas check out my work wear OOTDs on instagram. The more you prep now the less you have to prep during the month when you’re busy.

Most people try to prep on Sundays for the week but think about how much time you’d get back if you prepped these four things at the beginning of each MONTH! Goodbye to the Sunday scaries right!