We are now officially at 10 days until the wedding! I am both so ready for this to be over and yet I know that I won’t ever be in this stage of my life again and I want to enjoy these last 10 days. It’s the final wedding countdown…

Here’s the thing – I don’t really think I am going to enjoy these last few unmarried days. I have way too much to do, with both the wedding and work, oh yeah and other aspects of my personal life. I’m going out of town to my cousin’s wedding this weekend and basically that two days shot of getting the final things ready. Then I need to make sure that all my trials set for when I get back are ready to go because I have zero intent of doing or thinking about any work from the time I leave the office to get married to the moment I step back into the office. Which since we’re not taking our honeymoon until next year is really only about five days – including the weekend and thanksgiving.
The last things I need to take care of is the calligraphy for our table number / escort card display, pack my bags and double check any must haves (my day of jewelry etc), finish our DJ play list, have our final meeting with the venue/planner/videographer, finish my vows, get our marriage license (we’re getting it today!), send our wedding party their final emails, pick up my rehearsal dress from the tailor, and finish the thank you cards for the gifts that have already come in.
I swear I’m forgetting something but I probably won’t know what it is until I’m trying to find it the morning of the wedding.
People keep telling me ‘oh something is going to go wrong, don’t let it get to you’ or ‘not everything is going to be perfect’ or ‘you have to let things go,’ and good heavens every time someone tells me something like this I swear it raises my stress level. I GET IT. I PROMISE I GET IT. Please for the love of Jesus stop telling me this stuff!
As I’m drafting this, TM was trying n his tux and low and behold we have the button covers but the wrong shirt, one that you can’t use button covers with. So add that to the list of things we need to get done. I’ve also just remembered that I need to make sure my rosary from my grandmother gets packed… it’s all coming together. Just slowly and too fast at the same time.
One thing I’ve promised myself to do for these last 10 days of the wedding countdown is to make time for some self care. I’m getting a massage, going to do some gua sha on my face, and get a deep conditioning treatment done. I’m going to take a bath at one point and read a book; a book that has nothing to do with work or knowledge, but it either complete trash or fantasy, or maybe both.
But we’re 10 days away and I can’t wait until I get to say my vows to TM and hear his for me. It’s going to be the absolute best day!