If you need some things to do at home while practicing social distancing I’ve got you covered. I hope everyone is practicing social distancing if not full on quarantining themselves right now. If you’re young and healthy you might think who cares if I get Coronavirus but in that situation it’s more about who you can GIVE the virus too.
For example, I’m 31 and fairly healthy but I live with my mom right now and she’s over 60 with high blood pressure and asthma. Even though she is in better shape than me she is a prime candidate for being in some serious danger if she were to contract the virus. If I give it to her and anything happens because of it I will never forgive myself.
Social distancing is hard, I get it, once you tell yourself you have to stay at home you think of all the things you want to do outside of your house. You think of all the errands you have to run, all the things you want to pick up, and all the fountain diet cokes you think you need. Trust me – you don’t need those. As of me hitting publish on this post my job is still going, I have not been told to work from home and it’s concerning me. There are so many people that go in and out of a courthouse everyday and I don’t know their level of commitment to hand washing etc. When I get home I full on decontaminate in the garage before I come in the house.
Distance now so you (and others) can live later.
So while you are (hopefully) cooped up in your home for an extended period of time, following CDC guidelines, here are some things to do at home while practicing social distancing.
1. Workout – the Tone it Up App is now FREE during this health crisis – they want everyone to be able to be healthy during this time. Sweat App is another great choice!
2. Cook – take this time to use the ingredients in your pantry or freezer that have languishing almost too long. Find some new recipes on Pinterest! Then send me the recipe : )
3. Sleep – get some rest. This health crisis isn’t going away quickly and you want to make sure that you rest. Losing sleep has a multitude of health detriments – I’m not giving medical advice just passing some on, I got a lecture from my doctor when I was in law school about this.
4. Clean – lord knows that when (if) my job tells us to work from home that my room is going to get cleaned from top to bottom. I organize my office every day before I leave and my room doesn’t get the same treatment. Enter working from home to change that situation.
5. Try a new hairstyle – do you normally blow dry but want to try natural hair, do you normally go straight but want to try curly. TRY IT NOW. In the same view try a new makeup style, have you always wanted to try winged eyeliner but never think of it until you’re getting ready for work? Now’s your time.
6. Catch up on your shows – watch the shows on your list that people keep telling you about. My suggestions: Schitt’s Creek, Outlander, The Crown, Sherlock, and Love is Blind. I might do a deep dive and watch Real Housewives of New jersey from the beginning… table flip anyone?
7. Give your pets some love – your nuggets are experiencing unprecedented levels of you being at home so give them all the love you can.
8. Read a book – I’m currently finishing Five Families but if you haven’t read The Royal We get on that especially because the sequel is coming out this summer. Try the Red Queen series or anything from Christina Lauren. Career book wise you can look at To Hell with the Hustle or Extreme Ownership. I would also recommend Tell Your Children.
Have I missed any things to do at home while practicing social distancing?
For the love of everything you hold dear – wash your hands and stay at home.