This is a true story. I was in a suit. In an interview. The question was awkward. Extremely awkward. Here’s what to do when you get weird interview questions.
Everyone has probably had an odd ball question thrown at them during interviews like ‘what tree would you be and why?’ (Always a sequoia – they’re one of the hardiest trees) Or what do you think of garden gnomes? Trader Joe interviews sometimes ask that one.
Weird interview questions are par for the course right? Heck, when I was interviewing interns I would toss my favorite weird question in: what is your harry potter house and why? Yeah. I did it.

But anyway this question I got as a brand new lawyer was very awkward and highly inappropriate. Have I drummed it up enough? Okay, here it goes:
Interviewer: How is your relationship with your father?
Can you saw WTF!?!?! I think I was screaming on the inside when the interviewer asked me that.
I did what you’re supposed to do when you get a weird interview question or when you’re thrown a curveball question.
What to do when you get weird interview questions
- Take a deep breath and stay calm
- Buy time if needed – “let me think about that for a moment”
- Remember there’s no correct answer
- Wing it. They want to see your personality or critical thinking skills.
I took a deep breath and tried not to scream at the inappropriateness of this question. Running through my mind was, ‘I bet he never asked a man that question.’ I started my answer off with “Well, that’s an interesting question.” Then I decided that if he was going to make this uncomfortable I wasn’t going to give up any more information than absolutely needed. My answer was short, mainly to get it over with.
While I hope you don’t get that level of inappropriateness that I experienced I do hope that if you get a curveball you remember the four steps above. See more career advice so you can bob and weave on all the odd things work throws at you.
PS this bow shirt is one of my favorite purchases this year. It looks good under a blazer or on it’s own.