My last post on BTBS was my goodbye on November 20, 2017.
It was a pretty awful day. As I hinted at Monday I had the choice of my blog or my job. Posting that goodbye felt like a knife in my heart. But I learned to live it with it. The rest of the two years were filled with fun and new experiences but honestly yall, right now the feelings that override the last two years are pain and grief.
Three of my grandparents died (one was an adopted grandfather), I was screamed and cursed at in my office, experienced backstabbing friends, dealt with a hostile work environment, and had my heart completely shattered at 5am before I started opening statements on a continuous sexual assault of a child case.
Don’t get me wrong there were good times. I tried (and won) my first murder case, I helped bring justice to victims, I fell madly in love, and I got to travel. But all those good times are colored with the hurt of the past two years. As more time goes by the pain will hopefully fade but until that happens I can only focus on growing. I plan on sharing the lessons I learned in and out of the workplace with you and hopefully the pain and grief can be put to good use. One of the lessons I learned was that I know now who my true friends are, my ‘home team’ as I like to call it.

Oh and that case I had while going through the worst breakup of my life? Those two little victims cried in my arms after the defendant was sentenced to life in prison without parole and it was the only time that week I felt at peace. I have a picture of them on my desk and they remind me every day what strength looks like.
In October 2019, after a horrific week, I gave my notice at my (now old) office, and I had about a two week time period where I didn’t have a job lined up. Yall it was both scary and freeing, I’m sure I can expound on that at some other time. Within a week I was blessed to have five interviews lined up and a week before I was leaving I accepted my new job. I started at the beginning of November and it was breath of fresh air. Yall I could actually breathe at work – it was blowing my mind.

My new office is MUCH closer to my family, in fact right now I’m living with my mom (que the raised eyebrows and gasps) and I will be until I sell my house and find a new place. So I’m back in my old high school room and yall it is a whole new world. Turns out you can go home again.
If you have any questions about anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to hear from you. If you’re going through anything and just want a sounding board I’d be honored to help.