I love trying new gins! Last summer I tried Seersucker’s Grapefruit Gin and it was money so I decided to grab their unflavored gin and mix a few cocktails. I’m usually a fan of lime with my G&T’s but I saw these huuuuuuuge blueberrys at the grocery store and swerved for them. Add cucumbers and a bit of mint and it’s perfect for these days that are getting hot… seriously yall it was 95 degrees yesterday… in APRIL. Summer is going to be gross.
There’s no fun name for this drink womp womp, maybe in May right?

Blueberry Cucumber Gin & Tonic
1 shot gin
favorite tonic to taste
few leaves of mint, muddled
sliced cucumbers, don’t muddle just slightly break to release flavor
blueberries, better if you freeze them the night before then you don’t need to water down with ice
if you need some extra sweetness add simple syrup to taste – turn it into a Tom Collins spin off
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