Low morale at work happens to everyone. Bouncing back from low morale isn't easy but you can do it. ...
6 Ways to Combat Brain Fog
Do you ever have those days when your brain just can't seem to function? Or you hit 2:30pm and your thoughts fade into nothi..... where was I? Here are my six ways to combat brain fog. ...
The Mantra that Calms my Mind
If you had asked me a little over a year ago I would have told you that I thought mantras were bullsh*t. But then the past year happened and now I'm a convert. In particular there's one mantra that calms my mind... ...
Going Back to Work after a Loss
Last year I experienced four separate losses: two grandfathers died, my grandmother died, and I experienced a heart wrenching breakup. Tomorrow is actually a year to the day of being broken up with four hours before I started opening arguments on a child rapist trial. Going back to work after a loss ...
6 Ways I’m Taking Care of my Mental Health during this Crisis
It's not only crazy to think we are in the middle of a pandemic - it's scary. It's anxiety producing and it's taking a toll on not only the physical health of the world but also the mental health. We all need to make our mental health during quarantine a priority. Here are six ways I'm taking care ...