TRIGGER WARNING: this post discusses domestic violence in frank terms. ...
Why you need to take a Mental Health Day
Work. Errands. To-Do lists. Meetings. Family. Can you say stressful? There are so many reasons in your life that you need to take a day for your health. Here are a few ways to tell if you need to take a mental health day and things to do on your day! ...
Just Say No to Being Busy
Most of us glorify being "busy" and having lots to do. It makes us feel worthy or like we have our act together. Being busy might sound nice but it can really take it's toll on you... ...
Leaving a Job you Love
Saying goodbye to something you enjoy sucks. When you find yourself leaving a job you love, on your terms or not, your emotions can be all over the place. It's rough, it stings, and you might second guess yourself. Bottom line - leaving a job you love isn't easy. Here's (a part of) my story... ...
Apps to Keep you on Track
These are some of the apps I use on a weekly if not daily basis. These apps keep you on track and keep your goals front and center. If you're going to touch your phone every day you might as well make it worth your time right? ...