Do you ever think about work when you're at home? Oh I need to remember to file that, draft this, call them... Or maybe you think about home when you're at work? Maybe it's both! If any of that sounds remotely familiar then this discussion is for you. Here are 8 signs you have no work / life ...
Mental Health Books
You know I believe your mental health is as important as your physical health. Here are some of my favorite books on Mental Health and some that are on my list to read and some I've heard are good. Some of these books are for when you're at different places in life or have different needs. ...
Is it Imposter Syndrome or Something Else?
Does anyone else feel as if you hear about Imposter Syndrome all the time? How do you know if it's Imposter Syndrome or something else? ...
Are you in a toxic work environment?
Realizing you're in a toxic workplace can be tricky. Maybe it's your first job out of school and you think all offices are like this, or you got a new boss and you think this is just how they do things, or maybe it's something completely different. Being in a toxic work environment isn't healthy and ...
Is Your Life One Big Checklist?
Vitamins every day. Workout five days a week. Call your (insert random family member here) every week. Morning/Evening/Sunday routine. Married by 30 (lol). Kids by 32 (LOL). Is your life one big checklist or one huge list made up of more little lists? STOP IT. ...