I’ve pulled together a few workwear sweaters that will take you to the office and beyond… you know like to the bar. Or in my case back home because I’ve been working so much I just basically come home straight from work.

I’ve gathered together some more workwear sweaters for you to look through! Which ones would you pick for your workwear sweater closet?

Anyway this sweater is so beautiful, I usually don’t wear white, I think I either look HUGE or deathly or quite honestly both, but I saw this sweater in stores and really liked the texture – it’s crazy soft, and I loved the sleeves. I was worried they would look like shoulder pads or as if I walked out of a Paula Abdul workout video BUT I didn’t. I really like this sweater and I tried it with three different shoes so I think it works and can stay in my workwear sweaters closet. Okay, I don’t have a workwear sweater closet, it’s more of a few hangers and a stack on a shelf. But still, it’s got a definite place there.