All my suits are dark. All. Of. Them. I decided I wanted to branch out a bit and go for some color and while I was looking I stumbled across this gem of all summer suits!
The most colorful suit I own is this burgundy one, which I love, but I was thinking of maybe a jewel tone green or a teal. I was trying to branch out slowly from my darks… you can’t directly to 100 right? But for some reason I kept coming back to this mint green linen masterpiece. It had everything I wanted when looking through page upon page of summer suits. I loved the bright color, the a-line skirt, the buttons, and the fit.
Another suit I looked at was this blue dress and blazer. I pulled the trigger on it but I need to get the dress tailored prior to actually wearing it. Once that comes back I’ll give you an update on it! I realize having clothes tailored isn’t something everyone does but I think it’s important so I might write a post about that; let me know if you’re interested in learning more about that experience.
I’ve included some more summer suits below:
This summer I’ve been trying to branch out with my workwear, I was putting together my monthly work wear outfit of the day post and I realized I was mostly in black and navy and usually in pants. It was odd seeing it all laid out in black and white navy so to speak. Earlier this week I wore the light blue blazer (from that suit above) with a light pink shell. I immediately thought “wow I look like an Easter egg…” but I tried it out and got a few compliments!

Does this mean my closet is going to turn into a bag of jordan almonds? Definitely not. But I am going to keep trying to push my clothing comfort zone… who knows; maybe this will mean you’ll see more colored suits on here!