I love my apple watch, love it, but I also love traditional watches. It’s a first world dilemma, yes I’m aware. But once I got an apple watch about six years ago and once I got the hang of it (ie: once I learned how many/little I wanted notifications to show up) I never looked back. I always felt like styling an apple watch for the office was difficult until I figured out the easiest switch I could make…
… the bands. Change the d*mn bands Katherine!

However, l had just dropped some serious money on the watch so I really didn’t want to spend even more money on band so I ordered a new one off Amazon and wore that until I felt it was the right time to get a nicer band. I collected a few bands in case you’re also looking for one to spice up your apple watch or having problems styling on for the office!

Shop the Bands

To be clear – I hate changing the bands from working out to work to sleeping etc but I hate wearing the silicone bands to work more, so I do what I have to do. Styling an apple watch for the office is as easy as changing your watch band – easy peasy.
My current band is both gold and silver and it doesn’t exactly match my apple watch metal color – it’s now discontinued but it’s between gold and rose gold – so my metals don’t match but I’m okay with it. And once I found a Rolex with the tri color tones TM stopped making fun of me. He wears shirts with holes in them so I don’t trust that man with questions of fashion…
PS if you want to see the full look I’m wearing in these photos check out this post