You’ve heard me rave about turtlenecks before but I’ve never dedicated an entire post to them before. Well that is about to change – honestly this is just a permanent space to wax lyrical about how much I love turtlenecks. So without further ado here’s my #1 tip to styling a turtleneck!
Kidding. There’s going to be further ado. My introduction to turtlenecks was when I was a kid and my mom dressed me in a sweatshirt that was decorated with puff paint and fabric and she would swap out the colored turtlenecks underneath it so the neck part would match the colors on the sweatshirt. I was out there slaying the 90s guys.

When I started incorporating turtlenecks into my work wardrobe (or I guess adult wardrobe) I came to a startling conclusion. This conclusion is actually my #1 tip for styling a turtleneck. It’s like from Grease where Danny gets told the rules are there ain’t no rules. Think of a turtleneck as a regular tank in office layering – it goes great under jackets, under cardigans, and under blazers; and they also go great by themselves! If you haven’t worn a turtleneck under a suit then go try that immediately. It looks the epitome of winter business professional chic. See how I styled a turtleneck under a suit in this post.
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I love using it as a layering piece under a blazer and then adding this pleated skirt. It was super cold, like 20 degrees, the day TM took these pictures for me and I was definitely warm. The turtleneck I layered with was a bit thicker than what I would normally layer with but it was because it was so cold. If you want to layer then I’d pick some thinner turtlenecks otherwise go with a thicker one if you want to style it without layers.