I’ve been seeing more and more influencers tell their followers that they can make their outfit easily work for the office by just doing this, or trying to force their current fashion trend into the workplace, or just flat out talking about appropriate workwear when they’ve never been in that kind of office space. I don’t give a lot of creative workplace outfit ideas because I’ve never been in one and my closet doesn’t really lend itself to that office. There are four specific things that I’ve been seeing come up over and over recently that I want you to guard against.
Before I jump into my list I want to address the images I’ve used in this post. None of these images are used to make fun of any of these women. Three are models in images pulled from brands and the others are influencers that were not billing their outfits as workwear. Okay, one literally said it was workwear but I’m not going to tell you which. I only picked these because they showcase the specific things I’m discussing. Also, when I say ‘work appropriate’ I mean in conservative or business professional workplaces. To an extent business casual as well, but you’re going to need to use your best judgement there. If you’re ever in doubt, don’t wear it.
Never Let an Influencer Tell You These 4 Things are Work Appropriate (because they’re not!)

#1 – Only Tucking in One Side of a Button Down
I do not understand this trend. What’s the point? To both call attention to your waist and create definition but then to also showcase your ironing skills? It looks like your ran out of the house without getting fully dressed! Tuck in both sides please.
Also, wouldn’t it bunch somewhere at the back when it changes from tucked to untucked?
This photo is also showcasing another item on this list… (see #4)

#2 A Blazer as a Band-Aid
Say it with me ‘a blazer does not make everything work appropriate.’ This skirt is too short. The blazer doesn’t save it, neither do the tights for that matter. It doesn’t matter how good your legs look or how chic the outfit is, a blazer will not save it.
Also see the photos below – short or long a blazer doesn’t save the skirt.
Just because you add a blazer to your outfit from college doesn’t mean your boss will approve. And if your boss does approve of this outfit then run away from him…

#3 Short Suits
Colleagues, you KNOW how I feel about these. Are they cute? Yes! Do I want this tweed jacket? Also yes! Oh and this one too! But oh goodness do not wear this set to the office. Wear it to brunch or out with the girls but don’t wear it to work.
This can also tie in with #2 because shorts are not work place appropriate and a blazer (or lady jacket) cannot save them!

#4 Wearing a Blazer Only On Your Shoulders
I feel like Kelly in The Office, when she tells Dwight to just put his cell phone in his pocket instead of keeping it in the belt cell phone holder. Just put your arms in the sleeves. (I’ve made this joke before)
Can you give a presentation like this? Nope. Can you type like this? Probably not well. Can you carry all your stuff (you know like a computer, water, documents, tote bag, etc) like this? Uncomfortably, if at all.
This is fashion not function and at work you do need to function.
This photo also showcases #2 because that blazer, arms in or out of the sleeves, is not saving that outfit for the office.
So be strong Colleagues, don’t let influencers talk you into wearing outfits that are not work appropriate! Also, take heart, you’ll never see these things on The Docket.