A few guidelines to be the best intern at the office
Here are a few suggestions to making sure your boss knows your name, for good reasons, come the end of your internship.

Stand Out as an Intern

Be early. If you’re on time you’re late. Show up five minutes early at a minimum. When your boss is wondering where you are they are silently cursing you and looking for another intern to do your job. You want your boss handing you work not someone else.

Look the part. Dress like your boss/dress for the job you want etc. You don’t have to drop $$$ on new dresses every week but you want to look nice and presentable. Check out my work capsule wardrobe for some ideas on a solid summer wardrobe that you can mix and match throughout your internship. I still remember the intern who wore a navy blazer with black pants. Killer work ethic but I think of the mismatch first unfortunately.

Ask for work. Even if you don’t know what exactly you’re asking for or what kind of work you might get, ask if there is anything you can do to help. Yes, you will file things, yes, you will make copies, yes, it will be boring but because you are helping your boss they will love you. I once researched the cheapest cable and internet packages for my boss’ new apartment. When your boss doesn’t have to waste time on filing etc they have more time to spend with you.

Take lots of notes. Grab a notebook like this and keep it with you at all times. Write down anything you think might be helpful or anything you find interesting. It shows you’re interested and are processing what your boss is saying. Taking notes is more of a compliment than the blank stare as you’re trying to remember the litany of good advice they just dropped in your lap.

Be observant. Watch what your boss does and how they do it. I had an intern who could see why I filed a motion after a day of watching me review a file and talking to a defense attorney. He ran his thought process by me and wanted to know if he was missing anything. The fact that he watched and actually thought about what he was seeing impressed me.

Socialize – after hours. If the company you work for hosts any networking events, attends trivia rounds, plays softball games, or sponsors charity runs you should show up. If you’re invited show up, if you haven’t been invited you can always ask; your boss will tell you if you can’t come. One of my favorite interns showed up at our work softball games for three weeks before he played at all. He showed up, cheered people on, and socialized with people in different departments.

Bring a PB&J. This might seem weird but your first day at the office you have no idea if you’re going out to eat or if there is a fridge to put your lunch. A PB&J allows you to keep it in your work bag, no fridge needed, and still share in on the break room lunch convo or it still keeps in your bag without stinking while you head out to a local restaurant with your new gang.

Good Luck interns! Remember that you are going to learn a lot and this experience is going to help you in your future career so treat it like you’re being paid!