Everyone is making goals and resolutions right around now am I right? Have you set your intentions for the year? Most resolutions are abandoned by February – I learned that from The Office. Something I’ve learned from life and reading lots of career and self help books is that when you set goals you need to be specific but not too intense; because let’s face it no one’s life is going to change the morning of January 1st.

Your goals, resolutions, and intentions need to give you some room to live. Instead of saying that you are going to floss everyday try making a resolution to try to floss everyday. The difference is slight, but with the second one you’re not going to trash your floss in anger after you forget to floss on the 17th day.
When you’re writing down your goals (yes – write them down) try to make your resolutions in different areas of your life: Personal & Career. I ended up breaking my personal goals down further in subsections: Family, Spiritual, Health, and Financial. My career goals were broken down into two: Law and The Docket.
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Quite frankly when I was brainstorming my goals there are some that I don’t exactly know how to make them more specific. Or I don’t know how to make them more specific yet I should say. Narrowing them down or figuring out how to get to the goal is something I’ll have to work on.
Tomorrow I’m talking more about making career goals and my specific law career goals; check back tomorrow for the start of the 2022 Career Challenge that starts with career goals!
Here’s my list of Intentions and Goals for 2022
Docket Goals:
- create a content calendar for The Docket and Instagram (and do my best to stick with it)
- be present on Instagram and open up a little more about life
- publish a house and wedding update regularly
- collaborate with another workwear blogger
- create an organizational calendar to split time between work, blog, and life
Family Goals:
- prepare for marriage
- finally pick out a couch / decide on a living room set up
- refrain from going insane planning a wedding
Spiritual Goals:
- find a church in my new town
- strive for a daily devotional (written, read, or audio)
- read a faith based book every two months
Health Goals:
- workout at least 3x per week
- bring lunch to work at least 3x per week
- track meals
- read at least 1x per month
- try to meditate 1x per week (self driven or led)
- try something new: boxing, Krav Maga, etc

I didn’t share my financial goals here because I feel awkward sharing that on here but you can see that my intentions are spread out among the different areas. You can also see where I couldn’t exactly figure out how to narrow the goal: lol ‘prepare for marriage’ what the heck! I don’t even know how to do that or what that means! Lot to learn right?
For The Docket goals I really want to grow this community and figure out how to balance work, my blog/social media, and my personal life. TM is fairly private so I don’t ever want him to feel uncomfortable and I want to respect his wishes. It’s all about striving for balance right?
How you thought about your resolutions for the year? We’ll have to check in on these goals later in the year to make sure we didn’t abandon them in February… Good Luck!