2020 is the year of me trying new things and one of those things is trying new silhouettes. First up: paperbag pants at work. Spoiler: love em.
Every time I’d look at paperbag pants I would get this image from when I was little at dance class and the older girls would wear those trashbag pants a la MC Hammer in U Can’t Touch This. Not exactly the look I want people to associate me with at work… ya feel?
So when I saw these pants at J Crew I thought, if JC is telling me these are chic and cool who am I to judge? Then I walked out of the store and it took about two weeks to summon the courage for me to try them on. OMG ARE THEY COMFORTABLE. I’m adding them to the section in my closet labeled ‘Work PJs.’
Once I decided to go for it I was then at another loss as to what top to pair with it. I loved the contrast of the red with the black and how the sleeves ballooned out too. Of course, other great options would be a turtleneck or silk/crepe blouse. Since I wanted to stay away from making this look like MC Hammer I stayed away from a military jacket and billowy top.

You could also definitely add a sweater blazer for a more comfortable look. Try treating them like your regular work pants and they’ll just add to your rotation a lot easier!
Here are some other great choices for paperbag pants at work if you want to jump on the trend!
Also, these paperbag pants on Amazon have gotten some killer reviews – so there must be something to it! Plus, they’re under $30!

Let me know if you try some paperbag pants at work – I definitely want to see! I’ll keep you updated on the other new things I try in 2020!