Let me begin this post by saying adding items to our wedding registry has not been as fun as I thought it would be. Honestly, that’s my view on the entirety of wedding planning but adding all these things just seems really greedy. TM and I live together, we’ve lived separately for years and have accumulated a lot of things. Okay I have accumulated a lot of things, TM has accumulated a lot of tools that I give two swats about.

So far we are only registered at Crate and Barrel and on Hitched, which is a honeymoon fund website. We are basically asking for people to fund items for our honeymoon, or give to a group gift toward them. So guests can donate to our flights or excursions/tours. We also have a couple’s spa treatment option or a romantic date night option.
My mom has been pushing me to pick another place to register; one with a more brick and mortar presence. I’ve been resisting. Our C&B registry has a healthy number of items so I don’t necessarily need to add anything else. I don’t know; I’ll probably end up adding another site just so I don’t have to listen to my mom or anyone else tell me I need another one again.
Here are the things on our wedding registry I’m super excited about:
The only set of nice (non melamine) dishes we have is a set of four with a distinctly holiday flair so I picked these. They’re a great set that can be dressed up or down. I think they have a slightly old world flair with the soft lines and the dots!
Our current air fryer is the one my aunt bought me about 7 years ago. It’s a twist timer and the fryer basket is tiny. I use it a lot so I figured instead of doing five batches of fries we could upgrade and only do one batch! TM is pretty stoked to not have to wait for fries : ) I’m excited for all of the other things I can finally make in one big batch and not multiples!
I stole my mom’s acrylic pitcher a long time ago… then she found it in my pantry when we were packing my Dallas house and took it back. I loved that thing and I never replaced it. So I found this adorable one and added it to our wedding registry. I also added a few more – glass and acrylic. I’m thinking lemonade on our porch and sangria… lots of sangria!
I love having people over for dinner. As soon as we got our table, remember that saga, I started inviting people over for dinner. I absolutely love it. I want to throw all the parties and host all the holidays! I’ve already got TM on board with us hosting Thanksgiving next year. I added these (and more) serving utensils to go with the new table settings! It’s weird but I get so excited thinking above serving green beans at Thanksgiving with these haha!
I use a cutting board every night I cook; which is 80% of the week! Currently we have plastic ones that I’m not in love with. A long time ago I got a wood cutting board from Ikea and loved; I used it so much it split down the middle so I’ve registered for a few nice wood ones. TM is going to make me learn how to properly care for it this time!
A KitchenAid Mixer didn’t make our wedding registry because we already have one; but an attachment definitely did! We did add a larger le creuset dutch oven because I love my small one. I use it all the time, but earlier this year I tried to make a beef dish and it was too much food I had to separate it between dishes that weren’t meant for that kind of stove then oven baking.
Maybe I need to add some sheets or bath towels etc. Or perhaps nice luggage? What were some of the things you registered for that you ended up loving? What are the things I absolutely need to put on the wedding registry? Or ones I need to pass on?