Let me guess your new years resolutions: get healthier, read more, learn a new skill… sound like your list? Don’t get me wrong those are definitely on mine too but you’re forgetting a big part of your life: your career.
How to grow your career this year:

Evaluate the Past Year
What did you do last year that you had success with? Are there things you did that didn’t work out? Continue with what worked and expand on those things. Learn from what didn’t work and try a different way.

Identify your Network
Do you have a mentor? Who can you go to for career advice? Are there people at your office you want to emulate? Figure out if you need to add people to your network or if you need to spend more time developing the network you already have.

Write Down your Goals
This might seems stupid but actually write down your goals. Then put them where you see them every day: on your mirror, on your monitor, on your lock screen, or in your planner. If your goals are big consider turning them into bite sized goals – you still have your big goal but the bite sized ones are more manageable to check off and feel like you’re getting somewhere faster!

Picture the Person you want to Prove Yourself to
Is that one person who you want to prove wrong? or that makes you want to do better? That’s MOTIVATION – good or bad. In the 2004 Athens Olympics brendan hansen (swimmer) lost to japan’s Kosuke Kitajima and when he won kitajima let out a scream. hansen made that scream his alarm clock for the next few years to motivate him to get up and train. hey if it’s good enough for an olympic swimmer it’s good enough for me!