Hi my name is Katherine and I am an introvert. Can I go home now?
My description of introverts v extroverts is that extroverts gain energy being around other people and introverts lose energy around other people. Am I a social shut in? No, but my energy level drains very fast when I’m in groups. I like socializing with people but usually in very small groups and for set periods of time. You know when bars start turning lights on to get people out at closing time; that’s me if I have people over.

Large groups also make me slightly anxious – I don’t know who to talk to; I second guess myself; and I always think I look awkward. It’s a lovely feeling. Anyway, we all know how important networking is for your career. We all know we have to do it right? It’s not what you know but who you know. Such a true statement.
Introverts have to network too, but it’s so much more difficult for us. My mom is an extrovert; she can walk into a crowded room and walk out knowing everyone’s life story, have a job offer, a new friend to grab drinks with, she’s set up a new couple, and shared her travel stories. I walk into a crowed room and start sweating.
I’ve made myself network, because you have to right? But over the years I’ve learned a few things that have made it less painful and slightly less sweaty.

5 Networking Tips for Introverts
Utilize LinkedIn! You can connect with different people, comment on companies’ posts, and talk with others all from the comfort of your couch! This is the perfect place to start and it makes the next tip easy too.
Find and plan events to go to ahead of time – start with a small number. I can’t do the last minute ‘want to go to X with me?’ No I don’t. I need a plan so I know what to expect! Some of these events you can find on LinkedIn or through your new connections.
Bring a friend if you can. It’s always easier with a buddy. It doesn’t matter if they’re also an introvert too. Having someone you know and you can lean on when you need some help makes networking easier for introverts!
Give yourself a few topics or questions to fall back on. Use these when you first meet someone or when your mind goes blank or the conversation lulls. Keep these short and sweet so you can remember them. I usually use things like ‘how did you hear about his event?’ or ‘how did you get into your job?’ or ‘do you know anyone else here?’
Take a break when you need it. I’ve excused myself multiple times to gather my thoughts in the bathroom or a phone vestibule. Same goes for leaving; know your limit. You don’t have to stay for the entire time of the event, you are an adult and you can leave when you want!
Do you think you’ll use any of the these networking for introverts tips at your next networking event? Are there any other tricks you use when you’re networking? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

Oh man, I really saw myself in everything you shared here – from the sweat to saying an immediate “no” to anything last-minute! These are really helpful tips, thank you for sharing!