Have you ever wanted to sneak a peek into someone else’s Amazon account? See what they repurchase and repurchase, what they have on a monthly delivery, what they buy on a whim, or maybe what they returned? Well here’s some of my recent Amazon purchases and what I thought about them… oh and if you want to know where I got my purple short sleeve sweater in the post photo? Yep, you guessed it, it’s Amazon!

1 marble cell phone stand // 2 gel pens // 3 air fryer liners // 4 large barrette // 5 hot round brush // 6 putty bronzer // 7 paperlike ipad screen cover // 8 allergy dog treats // 9 twist back active dress // 10 empire waist active dress // 11 cross straps active dress // 12 shift active dress
I grabbed this marble cell phone stand to keep in my kitchen since I usually have something playing or a recipe on my phone and I hate having it fall over if I’m leaning it up against something. This is small, inconspicuous, and looks chic when you do spot it. Does it’s job and I love it!
If you follow me on IG you saw how I was mourning the end of my favorite pens (BIC you’re dead to me) but a colleague recommended these gel pens and while they will never be my favorite (RIP) they do come very very very close. I’ve ordered a BUNCH in black and blue.
Last summer I wore an active dress that had the built in shorts and I loved it. It was a spaghetti strap dress and I wanted to add a few more to my closet so I found these four (see #9, #10, #11, #12) and they just came in. I’m going to try them on and see which styles I like. Stay tuned on IG stories for my final selections!
In true If You Give a Mouse a Cookie fashion, I got a new ipad a few months ago (thanks TM – he was d-o-n-e listening to me complain about my 8 year old one…) and I wanted to take work notes on it so I bought a stylus pen but writing on the glass just felt wrong so I found this screen cover that makes it feel like you’re writing on paper. It’s so cool and makes all the difference. Of course I then had to get an actual Apple Pen because I write with my palm on the screen and only with the Apple Pen will the ipad disregard your palm… see? Cookie – glass of milk – story time – Apple Pen. You get the picture.
Was influenced to try this putty bronzer by a few different people who said they like the color, the consistency, and that’s it’s easy to apply and build. I agree with all of them – I got, and am wearing, color Vacay Mood. Another beauty item I’m trying out is this hot round brush (I have the 1.77 inch). It’s doesn’t blow air, it just heats up, so I’ve been trying it when I need to freshen up a blow out. Next I’m going to try it on air dried hair and see if it can tame my waves. Again, stay tuned on stories to see if it works!
My 12 year old English Bulldog Winston has been battling yeasty ears and paws for about two years now. We go on and off meds and I hate it for him. I can’t keep him on meds and we can’t do Apoquel because it makes his stomach bleed. I’m trying epsom salt bath soaks, cleansing wipes, and now these allergy bites. I’m hoping that it can help him feel a little better and get some of the yeast down. We just started them about two weeks ago, if yall have any other ideas I’m ready to try them!
I’ve been using our airfryer ALOT lately, it’s just so easy, and I have silicone liners but the food was just sitting in oil and I decided to try these parchment paper liners. The reviews are awesome so I’m excited, plus there’s 125 in the set so it’s going to last us a while!
This past weekend I saw an IG post about Jennifer Aniston’s hairstyles in Friends and how it’s all coming back in style now. One of the photos was just a half up and half down clipped back with a large rectangle barrette. I don’t know what came over me (poor impulse control obviously) but I immediately went on Amazon and purchased this barrette – it just came in yesterday and I love it! It has a cover or something on the bottom part of the clip so it helps to not snag your hair!
Stay tuned for more Amazon purchases!