Two weeks ago some of my mom’s (and my) good friends threw me a garden party bridal shower and it was absolutely beyond anything I was expecting. Every single hostess went over an above and they all made the day so enjoyable!

I found this dress and it was perfect – I didn’t want to drop crazy money on this outfit. I rarely wear white so I knew I wasn’t going to wear this dress many times after this. I already bought a white dress for the rehearsal dinner, the engagement party, and now the bridal shower – that’s three white dresses that won’t get too much time outside of my closet. I also snagged this dress while it was on sale – so double score! Just checked and it’s still on sale – true to size! I found my hat via Vineyard Vines, it was part of their 2022 Kentucky Derby collaboration with Forme Millinery. My shoes I’ve had since college haha!

Shop my outfit:
The bridal shower theme was a Royal Garden Party; hats were required and did everyone rise to the occasion! All the guests ore fascinators or hats and we all loved it! I went a little over on my hat but I figured when will I ever get the chance to do that again right? So I leaned fully into my garden party bridal shower!

The hostesses had finger sandwiches, Pimm’s Cup (an English summer drink), and name badges a la the Royal Ascot! My grandma flew in for the weekend and TM’s family drove down from Dallas; which just made the day that much better to have all of them there. The entire garden party bridal shower was wonderful and it made me feel so special!

In addition to thank you notes, I gave each hostess a bottle of their favorite wine and a small tag I designed using our wedding logo!