Hindsight is 20/20… If I had it to do all over again… how many times have you gotten advice that started with that? I gave a piece of advice to my cousin who graduated from college about four years ago and I’m going to share my best advice for college grads with you.
This is still my best advice for college grads over all the years, it’s the piece of advice I give to every graduate I meet that cares to listen. Not all have listened, obviously, but that cousin I referred to, he did and he’s all the happier for it!
FYI this piece of advice isn’t the most popular, it’s a little weird, and it’s not fun at all. BUT following this will cause you to save money for a better foundation for your future!
Okay, enough hype, here it goes, my best advice for college grads:
Live at home with your parents for at least 6 months

Yikes! I know it’s not a popular choice but honestly it’s the best decision to make. You’re going to save so much money and pay off debts. This is doubly true if you’re employed. Negotiating with your parents for them to basically give you room and board for free is a great way to boost your savings. Usually with student loans you’re given a grace period after graduation to wait to pay off your debts. Obviously you can use this time to either pay down your principal or to put all your money towards your savings.
Seriously, yall, graduate and pack up your stuff and move back home immediately. Don’t strike out on your own yet. Live with the rents before you have a taste of living completely on your own. If you’re still in the market for a wish list for graduation here are some ideas!