Low morale at work happens to everyone. Bouncing back from low morale isn’t easy but you can do it.
Low morale is more than a bad day; this is a series of bad days or possibly weeks where you just can seem to focus on anything or are possibly questioning what you’re doing. If you just can’t seem to muster the emotion or even the desire to get excited about your career try some of these actions to bounce back.

Ways to Bounce Back from Low Morale at Work

If you’re dealing with low morale at work chances are you need a break. Not talking a vacation – because sometimes you come back more tired from a vacation than when you went, right? You need a mental health day. This isn’t a day to run errands on your list or to check your email. This is a day to make yourself a good breakfast, read a magazine or a book, and maybe get a massage. Chat with your mom or a friend. Go to a yoga class or take your dog on a long walk. This is a day to clear your thoughts and focus on centering yourself.

When you give someone a compliment you also get a warm and fuzzy feeling right? Transition that to your office. Give a few coworkers some compliments. I’m talking more than ‘nice shoes;’ give them a pointed compliment about their job or their performance. Letting other people know you see them brings up morale at the whole office and can boost your mood too.

When was the last time you evaluated why you were doing your job? If you’ve lost the ‘why‘ of your career there’s no doubt your morale is low. Refocusing on why you are at your job is a key part of making sure you are in it for the right reasons. Seeing the why of your work on paper, will refocus your mind and will enable you to clearly see why you are where you are. It gives you purpose.

Sometimes spicing up your office space can give you a little boost. Hang a new piece of art, grab a funny calendar, post a deep affirmation, frame a picture of you on vacation, put a plant on your desk, or switch all your crappy pens to your favorite color. Any of these things can add a smile to your face. These little things can add up to a bigger boost to your morale.

Make sure this is a case of low morale and not a toxic work environment. A toxic work environment is a completely different story and unfortunately cannot be fixed. Recognizing a toxic work environment and then LEAVING is the only thing that can really ‘solve’ that problem. Even if it means leaving a job you love.

If you’re struggling with low morale at work know that you’re not alone. Everyone goes through periods of low morale at work and it’s normal. Make time for yourself and try the tips above. Reach out if you have any questions or if you’ve got some other ways that have helped you bounce back from low morale at work!