Without wifi I think this quarantine would be more difficult that usual, right? There’s only so much socializing with the people in your home you can do without losing your mind right? Here are some apps & sites to keep your attention – kiddos are going to love some of these too!
Who here has started scrolling or playing a game on your phone looked up and two hours had gone by? Or maybe you hop on Buzzfeed and you’re down the wormhole of quizzes. By now, after almost a month of shelter in place, I feel as if I’ve hit the end point of instagram and the quiz bank.

Here are a few of my favorite apps and sites to keep your attention and to kill a few more hours of this quarantine.
Duolingo – learn a new language or ‘brush up’ on your high school Spanish you still put on your resume…
QuizUp – you can take these quizzes against people all over the world. I’ve yet to be defeated in Harry Potter quizzes – come at me!
Liketoknow.it – yes this is a shameless plug but you can scroll through my LTK page and see some work wear ideas for when you’re back at the office.
Luminosity – keep your brain “limber” and “young” with this brain training game. They’ve got some good puzzles in here and I really like how you have to actually think during these activities and not just mindlessly scroll.
Logic Puzzles Daily- over a year ago I was obsessed with this app. I used to do a puzzle every night before I turned out the light but my ex introduced me to it and every time I did a puzzle it reminded me of him and it wasn’t healthy for me. It’s a great app and fun so I’m sharing it with you in the hopes that sharing it will become the reminder I get when I open the app instead.

OpenPuppies – click this and watch never ending puppy videos. It’s an amazing stress reliever. Just click the space-bar to advance to the next video.
Tour Alaska’s Kenai Fjords or Hawaii’s Volcanoes – umm these are so cool! They’re like you’re flying through and over the landscape then it’s as if they google mapped the glaciers and volcanoes! It’s a great way to experience what you can’t travel to right now.
Online Exhibits – the Uffizi Gallery in Italy has four online exhibits you can view for free and the DC National Gallery has two online exhibits you can view. The British Museum has a stellar History of the World exhibit!
Malibu Beach – view a live stream of the beach and you can pretend you’re on the beach, an empty beach with the waves crashing in. Put on your bathing suit, mix a margarita, and pretend.
Arosa Bearland Bear Cams – there’s a bear enclosure in Germany and they have multiple views of their bears in the enclosure. Choose to look at their sleeping quarters or their walkabout one.
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Cams – this site also has different views you can see. They have turtles, TURTLES! I stared for a good while. You can also watch a dolphin enclosure and an all together aquarium with different fishes and stingrays.
Aurora Borealis Cam – from Manitoba, Canada there is a live feed of the Aurora Borealis. I’ve never seen them in person and this is so cool. I’m going to bluetooth it to my tv and read my book while it streams.
With these suggestions you can definitely kill some time during this quarantine. If you’re over the internet wormhole and you need some focus on yourself check out my post on taking care of your mental health during this time.