Does anyone else feel as if you hear about Imposter Syndrome all the time? How do you know if it’s Imposter Syndrome or something else?
“Ladies if you’re feeling incompetent or as if you shouldn’t be in your job then it’s imposter syndrome!” “Ladies if you’re not feeling confident or if you’re feeling as if all your colleagues are more qualified than you then it’s Imposter Syndrome!”
Okay I take it back, not always bull.

Is there a difference?
Yes, there is a difference between feeling like an imposter because you are your own worst enemy and feeling inadequate because someone is making you feel that way.
You know me; having experienced a seriously toxic work environment, I remember having feelings of Imposter Syndrome that I struggled with regularly. I was nervous getting in front of a jury or answering simple questions in front of colleagues. The feedback from people who’s opinion I trusted on my skills was positive, so I was confused. I didn’t understand how I was getting positive feedback from colleagues and people who had been doing this way longer than me and yet I was still feeling as if I didn’t belong.
Here’s why: because there was someone who was actively trying to push me out of this job.
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Feeling nervous about doing something isn’t bad; in fact, healthy nerves can actually get you in fighting shape for what’s coming. (If I don’t want to throw up before making an opening statement there’s something wrong.) Feeling inadequate in it’s self isn’t bad if the feeling is because YOU are the cause. If you’re feeling inadequate because someone ELSE is causing you to feel that way – well that’s a different story.
Take stock of these feelings when you recognize them. Are you feeling less confident than your colleagues because YOU don’t think you’re measuring up or because someone else is telling you you’re not good enough.
Also remember that there’s a different between someone feeding these inadequate feelings and a colleague/supervisor giving you constructive criticism. If the feedback you’re getting is bad/bad/bad/ugly/ugly/bad and there isn’t any positive pieces of advice that’s a red flag. Feedback doesn’t always have to be positive, look, at some point you might screw up big time right? But you should be getting information on how you can improve yourself in any feedback. If you’re not getting specifics on how to make improvements that’s another red flag.

What do you do?
If you believe someone besides you is causing feelings of imposter syndrome then you need to consider you might be in a toxic work environment. The fix for each is to get out. Get out of your head or get out of the job. Easier said than done right?
Feelings of Imposter Syndrome are going to happen. You can calm these feelings in different ways: call your support system, get trusted feedback, think about how you ARE qualified for your job, etc.
Living with a toxic work environment is different and there’s no way to calm that. If you’re feeling inadequate for your job, that sucks, those feelings are terrible, but you can deal with them. You just have to make sure you know the root cause of those feelings.