I am thrilled to be back on the airwaves so to speak! I’m so excited to give an outlet to my creative side and interact with yall again!
At the end of 2017 I was forced to make a decision to either continue blogging or… well, continue being employed. I loved my job, LOVED my job. I couldn’t give that up. I loved helping victims, loved striving to bring justice to the little corner of the world I was able to; so I made the choice to sacrifice my little space on the internet, my creative side, and my fun outlet. This was my last post on BTBS:

Yall, I hated it.
Many things filled up those two years without Beyond the Black Suit, some good and some bad; but I missed blogging and the community it came with. So when I moved jobs I started to think about the possibility of stepping back into the blogging world.

After a discussion with my new boss, who is the absolute BEST, he gave me the green light to go ahead and follow my heart. How amazing is that? Having a boss who encourages you to be yourself and to have a full life outside of your office?!
So I began planning. And figuring out how to make this work with my job and move (I promise I’ll explain later this week) and my current state of mind. I decided to rename my little piece of the internet and Beyond the Black Suit became The Docket.
A “docket” is the official summary of proceedings in a court of law for a specific period of time (day/week/year); for example, all the different cases, hearings, fillings, etc in a specific court. When a judge or lawyers walk into court they always want to know ‘what’s on the docket.’
I hope that becomes a phrase more people start asking themselves but in reference to this little blog!

If you were a BTBS reader I am so happy to welcome you back and if you’re a new reader I’m so happy you’re here! I would love to hear from you; questions, comments, ideas, or gripes send them all to katherine@thedocketblog.com.
If you stick around you’ll see lots of work wear fashion, ideas, suggestions, honest discussions, and career advice. I look forward to seeing you around here and I hope you’ll check back to see what’s on The Docket.