Have you ever thought about your career and said ‘I really need to step it up at work,” or maybe you’re starting at a new office and you want to go in being the MVP at work. Every office and ‘type’ of job is different but there are a few key things you can do to make sure that you’re the MPV at work in any career.
Do these things consistently and you’ll be the one that your boss can depend on and the one your coworkers come to for help. Plus, you’ll be working on your career at the same time so if you ever want to move or apply for a promotion you’ll be ahead of others.

How to be the MVP at Work:

You’re going to have questions or problems that come up but when you go to your boss with any you also need to have thought through a possible solution. That way your question isn’t “help I don’t know what to do” it’s more “is this course of action correct?” It shows your ability to problem solve if you bring solutions to questions/problems. It’s easier for a boss to correct your plan than to completely come up with one. Plus they’ll steer you in the right direction if you’re completely off course.

Sign up for continuing education classes/seminars, listen to podcasts, or discuss with others outside of your line of work. Keep learning and adding weapons to your belt. This helps you in the future and it shows your boss that you want to better yourself. I started taking a few classes through Coursea this year and they’ve ranged from fun to career heavy. You can also put these on your resume when you update it or apply for a new job (you’ve signed up to get your free resume template right?)

You can wake up on the wrong side of the bed, get a flat on the way to the office, and spill coffee on your white silk blouse but if you remind yourself to choose your attitude you can smile through it. If you always have a negative mood at the office that’s not going to be helpful for your career. No one wants to work with a negative person. You can have a bad day but remember you are the only one who can choose your attitude. If you choose a good one you’re on your way to being the MVP at work.

Treat everyone with respect, everyone. I know the names of the secretaries, bosses, janitors, mail room staff, and security. Say hi and thank you to everyone. There is no one below you. No one. It blows my mind when I see others treat people like shit because they don’t have the same title. That’s rude, disrespectful, and quite honestly the mark of an *sshole. Don’t be that person. Show and give everyone in your office respect. Even if your boss doesn’t do that (what does that say about them…) it means you’re a good person and people will treat you with respect.

You’ve got deadlines and to be the MVP at work you need to beat them, not just make them. Your boss wants that project done by Monday, get it to them Friday. They want a presentation finished for review by Wednesday get it to them Monday. This gives YOU more breathing room in case of mistakes etc and it shows you have solid time management skills. Your boss will appreciate you giving them more time to review or change information. Beat, don’t meet, deadlines.

Just like you have to respect everyone you should offer to help everyone. What you offer to help on could run the gamut from copying documents to planning something big. If you always help, that speaks volumes AND it helps your career because you’ll have knowledge of many different parts of the job. You’ll be able to see a bigger picture of your office and how everyone fits into it. When you do need to say ‘no’ you don’t have to feel bad because you help all the time!

This is two fold: 1) don’t let your ego take control of your head. You are not the biggest and baddest person in the office. You might be the smartest but you definitely can’t act like it. If you act as if you’re the greatest you’re going to be the one who everyone hates. Also, 2) be aware of what others are saying about you. Do people think “great, I have to work with her… she never gets her stuff done,” or do people think “great, I get to work with her, she’s always helpful!” Figure out what your reputation is and make it better or keep it good. Either way, check your rep.