Even though my job is classified as essential I am working from home (like a lot of America right now) most days each week. Setting up my home office, in another’s person’s home, has been tricky. I only have the home office essentials in this space.
If you’re new around here then you probably don’t know I’m currently living with my mom since moving back to Austin. I thought it was going to be for a shorter time but with the corona virus putting a damper on the real estate market my place in Dallas isn’t selling.
This is not a complaint. I am grateful that I have a place to live and I don’t have to pay two rents/mortgages in this incredibly stressful time. I am thankful I have such a great mom who let’s me take over her dining room for my home office.
Here are a few shots of my temporary home office and the items I deemed necessary enough to earn a place in this teeny temporary spot. Click to the next photo for everything labeled (FYI my trials on my whiteboard are blacked out)
Some things I brought home from my office like this mug warmer. I have a bad habit of making a cup of tea, taking two sips, then getting lost in a file for 20 minutes until I realize I never finished my cup. I’m a bit of a tea snob and only buy loose leaf tea (there is a difference in taste – I will die on this hill) so I hate when I have to toss a cup of tea because it’s stone cold. Microwaving tea gives it a burnt taste so this mug warmer is a killer buy.
I love my wireless Amazon mouse. I have one for my work desktop, my work tablet, and my personal laptop – they’re labeled on the bottom so I don’t get them confused! Add this cheap but cute mouse pad (in lots of colors and designs) and you’ve got a great setup for under $15.
In my office I have a huge whiteboard that I keep my to do list and trial settings on. So at home I’ve grabbed this smaller whiteboard/corkboard combo I had in high school and made it work. I’m still able to see my upcoming trials just on an albeit smaller scale.
Since my board is too small to put my to do list on it I use this huge notepad to keep track and jot things down. I have one in my work office too. These pens and these colored pens are what I use everyday; I buy them myself because I love them so much. Put them in a cute mug or this $10 acrylic pen holder.
In my temporary home office:
The back support in my mom’s dining room chairs isn’t exactly amazing so I added my lumbar support pillow. Other comfort essentials include my neck heating pad – I made the green one but here’s a cool choice too! I had to have an extension cord with dedicated USB ports since I’ve only access to one set of outlets. My cube timer, also made the trip from my office to the house; I use it when I need to get focused.

One of my WFH Outfits
The wifi in my mom’s house is great, until you’re in my bedroom or the dining room – which is where I’m on my computer, so I purchased this wifi extender and it’s great! It has a very easy to set up and has helped my wifi conditions considerably.
Since my mom is also working from home and is on constant conference video calls I use headphones all the time. There’s no way I can review a case when I hear her talking about sales productivity and org redesign all day. I purchased my Echo Buds when they first came out and I love them. LOVE THEM. The noise canceling function is great, they don’t hurt my ears, and they’re easy to connect to your phone/tablet. You can take calls on them too.
My usual home office items are in storage. I sold my desk, chair, and bookshelves so once I move I get to create a brand new space. I’ve had my office furniture since I started law school so I’m excited for the switch up. I will be on the lookout for more home office inspiration but will keep these must have home office essentials in whatever office I’m working in.
What are your home office essentials?