Whether you’ve started a new job after you left another office or you’re at your first office after graduation, it can seem overwhelming to fit in at your new office. Here are my tips to combating that feeling…
I started at a new office in November 2019 and it was difficult for me. As a natural introvert so I really had to make a concerted effort to get out from behind my desk and become part of the office culture. I knew I needed to work on fitting in quick!

7 Tips to Fit in at your New Office

When I started I had gotten in the groove of bringing my lunch everyday but when people asked if I wanted to go out for lunch I went. It didn’t matter if my lunch was already made and in the fridge in the break room, I still went. The first time I went to lunch it was hella awkward. I kept thinking to myself am I talking too loud or am I not saying enough or who the heck are these people referring to? But I kept on. Going to lunch every time you’re asked (for at least the first couple months) is a great way to get to know people without it being like a one on one conversation. Fitting in is easy when you’re at lunch! Bonus: you have something to do with your hands – eat!

Even if you know the answer ask a question anyway. Ask one colleague how to find something in the computer system even if you already know how to find it. Try another colleague with what the protocol for entering vacation days (or whatever) is, even if HR already went over that with you. Then ask a different colleague those same questions. The point is not what you’re asking them but that you are asking them. This gets you more comfortable with each other and it lets your colleagues know that you trust them to give advice or help.

Here’s the one I struggle with – be a little early. I hate getting up in the morning. Even if I get up and work out before going into the office I’m still chronically late. Getting to work on time, not crazy early, is essential at your new job. When you get there at 7:45 you can see what the time schedules are for everyone else. Is it office protocol to arrive at 7:30 or do people stroll in by 8:20? Fitting in at the office is easy when you’re all walking in at the same time. Figure out the usual schedule and you can adjust accordingly.

Take stock and observe. Look at what people do, how they do it, and who they interact with. You can learn so much by simply watching. You can see how people feel about the person speaking if you watch them and their expressions. Sit back in meetings, at lunch, in the break room and actually watch people. Don’t get me wrong interact and talk with people but actually watch them. This will give you even more ideas how you can fit in at your office – specifically your office.

Put your phone down. Put it down, resist picking it up, and don’t let anyone see you mindlessly scrolling. If you must check social media go to bathroom and check it haha or check it on your lunch break; but the worst thing you can do is be checking your phone and your boss walks by and sees you. Every office is going to be different and you could actually be doing work on your phone but it doesn’t look like it.

Ask for what you want. Do you need help? Ask for it. Do you want more work? Ask for it. Do you want permission to switch out your desk chair for the one in the next cubicle? Ask for it. Do you need a book about something? Ask for it. Ask for what you need and what you want. People are going to be more willing to help you at the beginning. Plus it’s an easy way to fit in at your new office because everyone (who you want to be around) want to help the new person!

Talk with your boss. Who did you interview with? Probably at least one person that is higher up than you so use that contact to your advantage. Say hi in the hall, strike up a conversation in the breakroom about something you discussed in your interview. Chances are, most of your colleagues don’t chat with the boss so use this time to have them remember your face and your name.

I hope your new job gives you everything your old job couldn’t! I also hope that these tips for starting a new job or getting to know a new office serve you as well as they served me!
Tell me what helped you fit in at your new office!

PS Happy Valentine’s day!