When was the last time you evaluated why you were doing your job? Like sat down and really thought about why you’re doing what you’re doing? My guess is not in a long time, perhaps not ever. Well it’s time to take a minute and evaluate your why.
Evaluating your ‘why’ at work helps in multiple ways. It can help you refocus on your career or it can help you focus on what you need to do to take the next step in your career. Perhaps it might also open your eyes to the fact that you need to start looking for another job. Either way it’s only going to help you in your life. It either gives you peace in your purpose or it gives you a kick in the *ss to get moving.
Sit down with a piece of paper and write down every answer you can think of to the questions “why are you doing the job you’re doing?” I mean everything. Do this right now before you keep reading.

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Seriously, don’t scroll down because I’m about to give you some possible answers and I don’t want to cloud your thought process.
I’m waiting…

Okay. Hopefully you have at least a few things written down. They could include to do good, to help heal, to pay rent, to win, to encourage, to afford my lifestyle, to get promoted, to pay off my loans, to feel good about myself, to see if I can, to pay my dues, or maybe to provide comfort. Looking through your list I want you to circle the main one; they all are correct but what is the one answer that is the most correct at this time.
Now that you’ve taken the time to write it down you need to evaluate your why. Are you okay with that answer? Are you happy with it? Do you want to change it? If you do think about how you can change it, what are the steps you need to take to get yourself to the place you want to be? Have you become complacent in your career? Or maybe you’re exactly where you want to be at this moment!
Write that answer down on a sticky note and put it somewhere where you will see it often. Seeing your ‘why’ on paper is beneficial in a few ways: it will refocus your mind, it will enable you to clearly see why you are where you are, and it can help you get out of a funk at work.
Remember this ‘why’ can change; if you make a point to evaluate this every so often it can keep you on the path you want in your career.