Everyone talks about their morning routine but do you have an after work routine?
I’ve had to get in a new routine from start to finish since moving, getting a new roommate (hi mom), and having to deal with a new commute, new gym schedule, and new all around everything. I took that opportunity to switch up and cement my after work routine.

Here’s my after work routine: I’ve kept it loose because if I have to set a timer that might make me throw the timer across the room – right?!
- Get home and immediately change into something not work related: usually sweats. Do not pass go and do not collect $200 – put the sweats on!
- Cook dinner / Eat Dinner / Clean up from Dinner
- Feed the dogs
- Chores
- Fun: take the dogs on a walk, watch TV, or work on The Docket.
- Get ready for bed. Phone is off, tablet is off, and I read for at least 10 minutes before I turn off the lights.
I try not to multitask in these because I find that for me each time I try to stuff only gets half finished. If I try to start chores while something is in the oven I only get it half done or I don’t get the other part of the meal done and dinner takes longer or gets colder. And that’s a recipe for hanger people!
Taking the dogs for a walk has presented a problem – hello winter darkness. My neighborhood doesn’t have street lights – yes you read that correctly zero street lamps. And we back up to a green belt/park area which has zero lights (and coyotes so we stay away from that space). So anyway, it is DARK after 7pm. I purchased a few reflective items: vest, clips, and dog bandanas so we wouldn’t get hit by cars. I knew Ted needed something shinny because that black lab is darker than my soul, even in the daylight.
Having this routine has given me the push to actually work out in the morning because if I have to take out an extra hour of my after work routine it throws it all off. Plus, I really want to do my own thing after work and not be totally exhausted or feel bad about myself if I skip the gym.

Do I switch things up sometimes? Sure. Plus it’s not like I’m going to turn down a drink with a friend or a last minute movie just because I’ve got chores at home. But having a routine I can just get into gives me time to relax when I get home and be present in all of the things I’m doing. And dang if those chores have ever gotten done faster because I won’t let myself watch new episodes of Real Housewives if those chores are unfinished.
Do you have an after work routine?