Pens, paper, files oh my! When I’m in the middle of it my desk looks like a toddler got loose in an Office Max.
At the end of the day it gets straightened out before I leave (link to previous week’s post) but there are some things at my desk that I couldn’t get by without. Okay, that’s an exaggeration because we all know we could get by with just our laptop if we were posted up at a Starbucks instead of an office but still these are the things I neeeeeeeed.
Echo Buds so my coworkers can’t hear my playlist. They’re also amazing for blocking out noise if I just need to hear some white noise and not Nancy’s recap of her taking her aunt to the doctor for the 80th time. Sometimes if I want to recreate the coffee house vibes I turn on Coffivity and pretend.

My vornado fan sits on my desk for those days months when it’s just too dang hot in Texas.
These careof quick sticks are in my desk and get replenished each month with my careof delivery. I really like the extra batteries and chill factor ones. The pocket protector has been awesome for when I’m feeling a little under the weather and I want to stave off getting sick.
I’ve had these page standups since college. Saves your neck from having to look down then up at your monitor 800x while you’re typing. When not in use mine holds a quote card from She Reads Truth.
This USB tower has been a recent purchase but an amazing one. It sits right under my computer stand so I don’t have to find an empty USB port on my computer/laptop and risk not having enough open ones!
The colorful cord corallers are great for keeping my charger on my desk ready to go when I need a quick jump and I don’t want to dive under my desk to grab the cord because it fell down.
After going through a few of these large notepads I can honestly say they’re great! They’re made from thick paper and are easily customizable. (spell check says that isn’t a word but I’m rolling with it)

What are some things on your desk you can’t work without?