Chances are if you’ve worked in an office you’ve experienced dealing with a toxic coworker. There’s always at least one in every bunch and if you’ve ever had the misfortune to be in a toxic work environment then you’ll have to deal with many toxic coworkers. Here’s a few ways to handle having a toxic coworker.
These toxic coworkers all have similar traits: they will backstab you, they’re two faced to you and others at the office, they undermine everyone except themselves, and frankly, they like to start sh*t. You’ll be able to recognize them once they do something to you or you over hear them do it to someone else.

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Here are 6 ways you can deal with toxic coworkers
Stay Away if Possible – once you’ve recognized them give them a wide berth. This might not be possible but if it is then just take yourself out of that whole situation if you can. If you can’t, move on to the next few ideas…
Don’t Sink to their Level – they are all about themselves, you need to be all about the team. Focus on your team and the team goals and make sure that you don’t stoop to their ‘only me’ way of thinking and acting. This decision and focus will be recognized by others and if it’s not then you need to…
Document Document Document – everything you do and your interactions with that toxic coworker needs to be documented. If it’s possible to have correspondence via email then do it; when you have an in person conversation and decisions or plans are made then make sure to follow up with an email. If this turns into putting you in the line of fire then…
Confront them Respectfully – at this point if you confront them then do it calmly and with the respect they aren’t giving you. Tell them how you’re feeling and then what you need them to do. “Coworker X I feel as if you’ve been talking behind my back; please stop discussing me with others.” If their behavior continues then…
Know When to Get Help – this could be your supervisor or HR, but it’s someone who is above or outside the seniority structure of the toxic coworker. This not only documents what you’ve been dealing with but it also gives you some extra help to get their actions to stop. This is not “tattling,” you’re not five years old, so don’t feel like roping in your boss is a bad thing.
Finally, Focus on Your Mental Health – dealing with a toxic coworker can be brutal and frankly incredibly annoying. It takes a toll on your mental health so you need to focus on making sure you are living outside the office and that your life does not revolve around your job. Take that mental health day, go for a walk at lunch, or ask to move desks if you need to. Put your mental health first.