Do you ever have those days when your brain just can’t seem to function? Or you hit 2:30pm and your thoughts fade into nothi….. where was I? Here are my six ways to combat brain fog.
Combat Brain Fog

Do one task at a time, no skimping. Trying to do two things at once just makes your brain foggier. Grab your to-do list and focus on one thing. Finish that and move to the next. Make sure you put ‘answer emails’ and/or ‘listen to voicemails’ on your list because you don’t want emails to overrun your day.

When your brain starts to get fuzzy get up and take a lap around the office, your hallways, your house, the neighborhood, or where ever is easily accessible. If I’m in the office I take two laps around our office and if I’m at home I take a quick stroll to the end of my street and back. When you get back to your desk it’s easier to refocus your brain.

When you’re on your way back from your above lap, grab a glass of water and take a moment to drink. Focus your brain on how the water tastes, add a lemon if you want, and think about swallowing the water. Sometimes your body is dehydrated and all you need to combat brain fog is to drink some H2O. Or keep your water ice cold at your desk so you can continuously hydrate.

When I need to get stuff done I turn on a specific playlist. Usually I listen to classical music or soundtracks; but when I need to cut the fog and get my brain moving I have a specific playlist. I made a playlist of those songs that are only upbeat and have quick tempos.

Pop a peppermint in your mouth or roll some peppermint essential oils on your wrist or temples. Peppermint stimulates your brain and increases alertness; so just having the scent of it can cut through that fog so you can focus.

Running water over your wrists or putting an ice cube on them brings your body temperature down. This helps me because when I get foggy cooling my body down helps my brain cut through the clutter. Your brain works better when your body is colder.

Try these ways to combat brain fog the next time you can’t seem to get your brain to focus. Let me know if they work or if you have other tips that work for you!