Remember when I told you I wanted to branch out from my dark suits and get some colored suits in my wardrobe? I guess I didn’t really stop at that green linen summer suit… because I found this pink winter tweed and was like YES PLEASE! But seriously, this pink tweed, that I will be wearing into springtime, is beautiful. This colored suit is going to stand the test of (closet) time.

It’s dusky enough to skirt the business professional dress code but pink enough to still be a fun change to your dark suit stack.
I talk a lot about suits on here; but these are some of my favorite posts that have to do with them. Surprise, a few of them aren’t dark!
I will always recommend dark suits as your standard for business professional workplaces. They are very much the bread and butter for your workplace. BUT on the off chance your office gives a bit of latitude then you need to grab this suit. I think the white underneath makes it a little more spring but if you swapped it for a black tank then it would bring it into fall. Add black tights and a black turtleneck in the winter and you’ve got your go to look. Don’t be afraid of adding colored suits to your work wardrobe!
Shop this look:

I’ve been tossing around taking this suit into my tailor; I’d like to explore taking the hem down a little since I’m 5’9″ I need all the length I can get. This suit didn’t come in ‘tall’ so I didn’t get that opportunity from the jump but this colored suit was just too wonderful to pass up.