April has been a gut punch. Most office workers are either working from home, furloughed, or looking for work. This month has shown us death and yet has brought us signs of the best of humanity.
Have you seen the stories about the 4 year old in Britain who ran miles in princess dresses to raise money for charity? Or the British veteran who walked laps in his walker because he’s 100?! The elderly farmer from Kansas who’s wife is ill but he still sent one of his five live saving masks to Gov. Cuomo?
I only went into the office five times this month – once a week. It felt like I was going in on a weekend since the office was 25% staffed with the rest at home. Since our office is mostly closed to the public we are allowed to be casual – ie jeans are okay, leggings not so much – but I figured I was casual everyday at home so I dressed for work like normal.
(I’ve linked the exact items unless it’s sold out or old– then I’ve linked a similar item)

Left: dress, flats, necklace, headband
Middle: trench vest, pants, turtleneck, headband
Right: tweed suit sold out but see more ideas here, heels, tank, headband
Left: top, skirt (at knee length), heels, earrings
Right: top, pencil skirt, heels, earrings
If you’re not looking for office wear at the moment but still want to look professional on video chat check out my post on how to do just that. Here are 9 ways to focus on your career, employed or not, during this crisis. And please don’t forget your mental health during this time of unease and questions.
Coming up this month is Mother’s Day in less than two weeks so make sure to order Mom something special – here’ my ideas for the greatest woman in your life!