Adding color to your work wardrobe is sort of like jumping off a high dive. It’s scary. You think multiple times should I really be doing this and you might change your mind and turn around a few times. But there are ways to do it nicely and professionally.
Many of my feelings on colors other than neutrals at the office are very similar to wearing prints at the office. If you want to go big then just go home – the office wardrobe isn’t the place to rock the boat!
But damn it’s nice to wear something other than black, white, and navy right? And while I’ve seen a closet built entirely on the black and white scheme there’s something exciting about wearing a red blazer to work. So let’s add some color to your outfits shall we?
Here are my Four Tips for Adding Color to your Work Wardrobe:

If you’re just getting into adding color or you’re in a highly professional workplace then you need to start small. Physically small. Think accessories: a scarf, necklace, earrings, headband, shoes, bag, or your lip color.

We had a crush party in college with the theme if it’s neon it should be on but the office is the exact opposite of a sorority college crush party. Do not bring neon into your office. Just don’t. Bright are okay but there’s a difference between yellow and a crossing guard’s vest.

If you’re past starting small and you’re ready to add a colored blazer or a colored skirt then remember to pair with neutrals. Black, navy, camel, white (to an extent), and olive works too. These neutrals keep your colors grounded.

Now of course this one is a slap in the face to tip #3 but hear me out. An entire monochrome outfit of burgundy works. Or dark teal. Or green! I wouldn’t recommend an entire pink suit in a business professional workplace but you could try it in a more casual office. I have a bright pink suit, you’ve seen it on my reels right, but I’ve never worn it to the office. I have however worn my muted pink skirt suit, you can see it below. Think about the temperature of the color you’ve picked and make sure it matches with your office dress code.
All of these tips are going to follow the caveat that you need to think about your workplace. If you know there is no way you could get away with a pink blazer even if you’re wearing all black underneath then don’t do it. Or change the pink, perhaps you can go blush rather than bright. Usually the more conservatively professional your office is the further you need to be at the poles of the color line. Stick to the lights and the darks.

Here are some ideas for wearing color at the office; from business professional to casual dress codes.

Remember you can always search for ideas on how to wear these different colors and what to pair them with here on The Docket!
The red blazer over the black column of color is a-maz-ing. Definite power suit moment.