Let me just start this post with: I do not work from home. I go in every single day unless I’m sick or am taking the day off. But I know some colleagues who are working from home right now or are hybrid. If you’re a newsletter subscriber you know I answered one of your questions about how much time I spend on TDB. My answer went a little long and I talked about how I wanted to focus on preparing my content ahead of time and not just staying up late each evening to create content to post the next day.
I also hate taking an entire weekend day to just sit at my computer all day – vicious cycle right? Well this week I took PTO and focused the entire day on TDB. Okay maybe not the entire day, because let’s face it, I went and got a diet coke, ran to the grocery store, went on a walk with TM (and pups), and dropped off my dry cleaning. BUT I also created content and thought it was a really good use of my time. It wasn’t a weekend day that where I wanted to be around family etc and I got to head to bed at an appropriate time. The downside? I had to take PTO to do it. But I feel like if taking those 8 hours of PTO is going to make me feel less stressed then that’s a good thing.

So instead of just rolling out of bed and pulling on sweats I got dressed and picked jeans – WRONG CHOICE. Who chooses to sit in jeans all day? I did it for about two hours and was like I can’t do this anymore so I went to my closet to change. Again, I really wanted to just be like come to mama lululemon but I resisted the urge to open my drawer and went to the closet instead. I ended up picking this great t-shirt dress and grabbed my cardigan just in case I got cold. I added my rothy’s because I knew I was going to go run at least one errand but if I was staying home I’d either be barefoot or it would be slippers. My whole goal for the day (besides creating content) was to be comfortable and I think I accomplished it!
Shop the Outfit:
I’m going to try and schedule these “blog focused days” at least once a month. Looking forward there are some holidays I get that I can use, like Memorial Day etc, so I don’t have to keep taking PTO. I don’t think I can create an entire month’s worth of content in one day but I think I could at least make a dent in what I’d like to create.