You know I believe your mental health is as important as your physical health. Here are some of my favorite books on Mental Health and some that are on my list to read and some I’ve heard are good. Some of these books are for when you’re at different places in life or have different needs.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
We’re all human. We’re all flawed. That’s the basic premise of this book and I WAS HERE FOR IT. It was so interesting because it was written by a therapist about her experiences in therapy in both chairs. It was brilliant and I recommend it to everyone!
Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow
Look, not going to lie, the title of this book really turned me off. It felt like it was another ‘everything happens for a reason’ BS and I didn’t want to include this… BUT this book has so many positive reviews and there are many people who have found this book to help that I decided it’s on the list. This book gives you stories and practical tips to be “broken open and transformed” not “broken down and defeated.”
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, alone, and uncapable of doing anything because of how you’re feeling then this is a read for you. I read this book back in 2019 when I was in a super low point in my life and honestly there are still tear stains on the pages. It helped and it was such a great book to pull quotes from to remind myself of daily.
Jog On: How I Got my Life Back on Track
This book is on my list. The author describes how running saved her life… while that’s not something I can relate to because I hate running with a passion. This book describes living with and helping to treat crippling anxiety and offers advice and information from those who have experienced it.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Made Simple
CBT is a usually the first treatment prescribed by psychotherapists rec’d for managing stress, anxiety, and depression. This book gives you the tools to learn this therapy and apply them to your life. A wonderful resource for you to tap into for years to come.
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle
Just purchased this book! It has worksheets, exercises, and advise on preventing and recovering from burnout so I’m super excited! I’m thinking this a great book to read to prevent burnout and then have on hand if you experience it later.
Emotional First Aid
An oldie but a goodie, I’ve read a few books by this author on he’s wonderful. He puts the focus on mental health just like I do, on par with physical health! He discusses emotional ‘wounds’ and how to ‘treat’ them; this book was really helpful to me when I thought I should be “over” things but was realizing that I didn’t have to be!
The Recovery Letters: Addressed to People Experiencing Depression
If you have experienced depression in any way this collection of letters is for you. They are written by people recovering from depression and each letter is loving and insightful. Some letters will speak to you at different points in your life. It’s also really nice to know you’re not alone.
Get a Grip, Love
Just purchased this book! It apparently mixes depression and humor which umm what?! It apparently delves further into WHY people give you what sounds like shit advice when you’re experiencing trauma. News flash: the “shitty” advice is actually really helpful!
What a Time to Be Alone
Smart and solid advice that jumps off the page because the book is as beautiful as it is informative.
Check out more of my discussions on mental health; some discuss office specific mental health issues and some are more broad.