It’s your last year (que the happy dance and the happy hour) and you’re only one year away from being out on your own and lawyering. If that doesn’t scare you I’d recommend some reevaluation because that means you’re going to be giving people advice that can quite literally screw up their life in about a year.
Your 1L year they scare you to death, your 2L year they work you to death, your 3L year they bore you to death.
You know it’s true.
This year is going to be boring. You’re so ready to get out of school and start working and by now you know how to outline and study for exams. Push past the boring, you’re almost done!

So let’s jump right in; here’s what you need to do your 3L year to set you up for success after law school is over.

Check the requirements for applying to take the Bar Exam in your state. Each state is going to have different rules and dates for when you can apply and what you need to submit. Figure these dates out now and put them on a calendar and set up reminders to pop up. You want everything in as soon as possible because you want time to correct anything you need to.

Sign up and take the MPRE as soon as you can. Remember when I told you in your 1L year to sign up for a Bar Prep course? Well, I hope you listened because your course is going to have a MPRE prep class for you to take. Do this as soon as you are able. I took mine in December and then graduated the following May and took the Bar the following August. Having the MPRE out of the way was one less thing to worry about. You don’t want to be studying for the MPRE while you’re studying for the Bar or exams.

By now you’ve got your Mentor (1L rec) and you’ve gotten your feet wet networking at events (2L rec). You need to keep going to events, keep working with your mentor, and keep handing out business cards. Keep meeting people and following up with them. The goal is not only to pass the bar but to get a job after it! Your network is going to help you with that.

Besides networking your school’s career services office is the best thing to get you a job after law school. They are going to be able to review your resume (please tell me you’ve gotten your template already – if not sign up below). Career services is also going to be able to flex the considerable school network to at least find out what firms/offices have openings. You are already paying for this service in your tuition – USE IT!

I know that you’re riding high on it being your last year and the fact that you’re probably in classes that you’re actually interested in. Don’t let yourself be lulled into complacency – don’t slack! Your 3L year is just as important grade wise as your 1L and 2L years. Your interviewers are going to look at your transcript and if you tank your 3L year that will not look good. Keep meeting with professors and working with your study group. You’re almost done, you can do this one more year!

In one year you’ll be working 8-5 (lol more than that) in your career and you need to build a professional wardrobe. You also need to have a solid suit for interviews. Give yourself a year to build that wardrobe. Good news is you don’t have to spend tons of money to create a professional wardrobe. Check out my capsule wardrobe to get ideas on building up your closet .

These are keys steps you can take your 1L year to prepare for life after law school. Do you have any questions about law school or preparing for life after law school? Reach out and we can talk!