These are some of the apps I use on a weekly if not daily basis. These apps keep you on track and keep your goals front and center. If you’re going to touch your phone every day you might as well make it worth your time right?
While some of these apps cost a monthly fee they’re worth it in my opinion. Make sure to check out the apps and see if they fit your budget and lifestyle before committing to one.
Digit – I’ve been a big fan of Digit for years. It’s an easy way to save money without thinking about it. It takes small increments of money every/every other day, think $5 or under, and puts it away in an account for you. You can also choose to add more money tot he account if you want to. Before you know it you have a chunk of change that you didn’t know you’ve saved. Plus, if you sign up through my link you get $5 to jump start that fund.
Clarity Money – another app that not only makes it easy to save money, you can set it up to save $5 every week, but it also shows you where your money is going. It syncs with your accounts to help track your spending and alerts you if you go over your budget in certain areas. This is one of those apps that definitely keeps you on track.
Lifesum – a great take on your classic food tracking app! You can choose different plans – classic dieting, keto, clean eating, fasting, or Mediterranean just to name a few. There is a test you can take to see which one would be best for you or just go ahead and choose which one you want to try. There are places to add your water and exercise; plus it also syncs with Apple Health.
Sweat – this app has such a cult following and it’s easy to see why! It’s made in such a user friendly way and it easily syncs with your calendar so you can schedule your workout – isn’t that what everyone says to do? Schedule your workouts so you make sure you have the time? Make this one of your apps to help keep you on track!
Peloton – I’m currently waiting for my bike to arrive but I’m loving all their other classes like strength, HIIT, and yoga classes. I haven’t tried their meditation classes yet but I really don’t know what I’m waiting for!

Mental Health
Grateful – this app functions as a daily dose of inspiring quotes, words of gratitude, and a space for you to keep a list of the things you’re grateful for. Studies show that when you focus on your gratitude your outlook on life gets better. Here’s an app that helps you do just that!
Calm – I started using Calm last year when it seemed as if I stepped into hell. I couldn’t get to sleep because my mind was racing so I would turn this app on and it was something to focus on that wasn’t depressing me. It was also nice at my old office when I needed to take 10 minutes during my lunch hour to reset my blood pressure and anxiety levels.
Skimm – the Skimm is wonderful; I tend to get all my news from them. Reading their email every morning is part of my routine and just gives me another reason to stay in bed a few more minutes. I love how their app connects with your calendar so you get updated for important events going on!
Streaks – this takes your to-do list and makes it a game. You create your list and every time you check off that task for the day (or set it for 3x per week) it tells you how long your ‘steak’ is for that task!
Soon – another list making app that satisfies my Virgo qualities. This one is where I keep my list of books/movies/tv shows/etc that I get recommendations about. I used to just keep them in my Notes app but then I’d review it and be like why do I have this one on my list or what the heck was that about? No more, haha!
LikeToKnow.it – shameless plug but I actually do use the LTK app, especially when I want to make sure I find out where an article of clothing is from that I see on Instagram or LTK itself! Did you know you can follow me on the LTK app in addition to instagram? I post my Work OOTDs there with links before I combine them all in the monthly OOTD post at the end of the month.
She Reads Truth – this is a bible study app that makes it easy to have some time to yourself with God every day. It makes a great way for me to start my day. I also love their physical study books for Advent and Lent.
Bottom line these apps only work to keep you on track if you actually use them. They can’t just sit unused on your phone right? Which other apps do you use; I’d love to learn about them!