August ran away from me – seriously, it’s the 9th of September and I’m just now getting my sh*t together and putting my work #ootd together. Uff da.
Top photo: blouse, skirt, headband, heels
You can definitely find my #ootd posts via the liketoknow.it app – it’s a free app you can download and then follow me for outfit details on it. You can follow my – thedocketblog – on the app! Since my work #ootds are only posted on here at the end of the month (or 9 days into the next month – eye roll) the LTK app is a quicker way to find out the details.
Here are my work #ootds from this month. (I’ve linked the exact items unless it’s sold out or old– then I’ve linked a similar item)
Left: blouse, pants, heels, necklace, earrings
Center: dress, heels, earrings
Right: sweater, tank, pants, necklace, flats
Left: sweater, tank, pants, necklace, heels, earrings
Center: dress, headband, heels, earrings
Right: blouse, pants, heels
Left: cardigan, tank, necklace, pants, flats, earrings
Center: blouse, skirt, heels, earrings
Right: top, pants, flats, earrings
You can see the rest of my work #ootds here to get some work outfit inspiration for when you go back to the office!