August is here and these are the 12 things I’m loving this month! I think #13/honorable mention would be my birthday at the end of the month! Since we are living through a global pandemic I doubt my birthday is going to be anything crazy. Last year it was a depressing birthday since I was deep in sadness and this year it’s not exactly as if many people can get together. So I guess 2021 I’m going to have to make up for two lost years.

#1 – Monitor: after months of working from home most days each week I finally got a new monitor. It’s been an upgrade from my tiny tablet screen. I just installed it and set it up yesterday so August is going to easy on my eyes while I work. If you’re still working off a small screen upgrade to a monitor for about $100, it is going to save your eyes and your neck.
#2 – Bike rides: I’ve finally pumped up my Schwinn bike tires and am looking forward to cruising around the neighborhood. I wish I could take Ted but his leg can’t stand to that yet and Winston would just refuse unless he got to sit in a basket. I highly doubt my 55 lbs bulldog would be able to sit in a basket haha!
#3 – Large Round Brush: my hair has gotten considerably longer since I purchased my last round brush, probably a good 3-4 inches longer, and my smaller brush just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I purchased the next size up in my beloved Drybar round brush and I love it! It’s given me more volume and body which I love! Now I just need to quiet the urge that has me thinking I should chop those three inches off again…
#4 – New Cookbooks: with all the home cooking that’s been happening I purchased a few new cookbooks including this vegetarian cookbook. For August I’m going to try meatless Mondays because, like I said, I need more vegetables in my diet. Have yall every done a vegetarian day? Here are some of the other cookbooks you should check out, especially the Break and Egg – Broadway cook book haha!
#5 – New Pool Reads: I’ve been waiting forever for the sequel to The Royal We come out and The Heir Affair is finally here! I read it immediately and am currently telling everyone and their mother to read this book if they want a fun beach read. I love a good beach/pool/sunshine read!
#6 – Plants: before COVID I was starting to become a plant lady now I’m a full on give me all the plants lady. There are six new plants I’ve brought home and I can’t stop. Good thing they’re so cute. Oh while this Philodendron is super cute you can also get a PLANT SUBSCRIPTION. Be still my plant lady heart.
#7 – CorePower Yoga on Demand: finally gave in and I’ve started to do yoga classes on demand. I signed up when CorePower was doing a free month during quarantine and have finally gotten into the swing of things. Since I used to dance every day in grade school and college (and I miss it like crazy) it’s been nice to have a stretching session back in my routine.
#8 – Microfiber Headbands: I found this pack of three headbands on Amazon and I’ve been using them everyday to keep the hair out of my eyes while I put my makeup on or when I get in the shower to keep the spray from getting around my face. Best news is you can throw them in the washer when you get makeup on them!
#9 – Careof Vitamins: I used to take my vitamins at work every day since I could put my box of Careof vitamin packs on my desk and it was easier to take them during the day than in the morning when I rush around. Since I’m not at my desk my vitamin intake has been screwed up. This is going to change this month!
#10 – Bark Collar: Ted has been barking at everything lately. Dogs run by at the park behind us – bark. Amazon delivery man: bark bark. Leaf falls in the yard: BARK BARK BARK. It’s killing my concentration so I just purchased this sound & vibration bark collar. There’s not electric shock and its has been working amazingly! I’d recommend it to anyone with a pup who likes to advise them of the trees blowing outside.
#11 – Green Machine Smoothies: one of the things I was focusing on lately was getting as many fruits and veggies in my system as possible and I’ve been downing these smoothies every morning. I think I need to create my own because it would probably be cheaper and healthier but for right now these are cramming my body full of veg and fruit servings.
#12 – Fresh Fruit Crumbles: I’ve been craving desserts lately and I’m holding steady on not bringing home ice cream… but I need to satisfy the sweet tooth beast somehow. I found this fresh fruit crumble recipe from Lake Shore Lady and it is *chef’s kiss* Her recipe is made with stone fruit but I’ve also done berries and it’s just as good!