When you’re job searching or interviewing you’re going to get questions about times you excelled. This 1 email organization folder is going to save your life…
In my (plethora of) email organization folders there is one that turned out to be the most important when I was job searching last fall. I have it titled “Good Job” but you could entitle it “Bad *ss” or “Praise” or “Killer” or “Awesomesauce” or whatever you want.
So what do you put in this email organization folder? Every email you get where someone else praises you for doing a good job or for an accomplishment etc.

I have emails dating back from my intern days. This is so helpful because I can review things I had totally forgotten from my intern days to present! Then I was able to work that string of accomplishments into an answer. I have the emails saved AND I printed them to bring with my printed resumes and printed reference sheets.
Speaking of resumes, did you know that if you sign up for email updates from me you get a FREE professional resume template!
While I doubt most jobs would want to see emails from previous employers/colleagues/clients/etc some might! I had one interview where I was talking about one of the people that had given me positive feedback. When the interviewer inquired more about it I was able to say that I had the email. He was interested in seeing it and I had it ready to hand it over.

So while you’re in quarantine, in addition to all the other things you can do to boost your career from your couch, make sure you have this 1 super important email organization folder. It will help make your job search that much easier!