The NSale is here and while I’ve got your Workwear Picks from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale I also have some thoughts on the whole thing…
It sometimes seems like everybody and their mother is heavily invested in the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale – they live and breathe it and for the most part I’m over here like
Don’t get me wrong – the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is fantastic if you go in with a budget and a plan. If you go in and plan to purchase an entirely new fall wardrobe then let me know because I want to live vicariously through your shopping bag.
It’s usually kind of overwhelming you go through and it’s pages and pages of markdowns and without a plan of attack your wish list/shopping bag ends up being full of oooohhh that looks pretty pieces and not this fills a hole in my wardrobe pieces.
I also understand we are in the middle of a pandemic and going gaga over a sale for clothes that you might only wear from the kitchen to the living room in quarantine is over the top. Lots of people are out of a job and are struggling to simply pay their bills and hyping up $$$ items is simply too much. I’ve looked through the NSale with that in mind and my Workwear Picks from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale aren’t anything that is going to break the bank. They are classic pieces that will get your price per wear down to pennies because you’re going to wear them so much.
My NSale Tips:
- Preview the Sale and create your wish list. Curate your list wisely!
- Make sure you’re signed up for the Nordy Club – it’s free to join, it’s not a credit card, and you still get to rack up points!
- You can make multiple purchases; so if you’re ready to pull the trigger on some $$$ boots buy those first and then go back if you need another minute to decide on a blouse
- Follow The Docket on instagram, the LTK app, and sign up for blog updates (scroll to the bottom and put in your email!) so you can see all my no nonsense workwear+ picks
Good News – I’ve gone through the preview for workwear picks from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale so you don’t have to. I take thank yous in doughnuts and funny gifs.

I know everyone’s office life has changed so I’ve included some work from home lounge wear because even I did a hearing in court with these joggers on the other day… I was in a blazer and shell on top but man I’ve never been able to sit cross legged in court before so that was new.
My Workwear Picks from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
My Work from Home Workwear Picks from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
Stay tuned for more sensible picks from the NSale 2020. Check out instagram, the LTK app, and back here for all your go to workwear+ picks from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.

PS While the NSale is going to feature here for the next month I promise I will also have other regularly scheduled programming, like more Workwear OOTDs etc, for you!