Graduation season is upon us and everyone is looking for some gifts for graduates. These gifts are more geared toward college or graduate school graduates for their immediate and future careers.
Besides money (which is the greatest gift for grads) these are some gifts that any graduate would love to have to start their new jobs with. Especially if they’re moving or starting out on their own these gifts are going to make that transition easier on them.

If they’re starting a new professional office job check out this classic work bag or briefcase that will last forever. This leather wrapped pen looks a heck of a lot better than pulling out a disposable bic; even better if you match it with this leather padfolio. Here’s a handy place to put their new business cards. I also LOVE these wireless earbuds – I’m not a huge fan of the Apple ones, they hurt my ears, but these Amazon Echo Buds are amazing. I suggest them to everyone, they are probably one of my best purchases of 2019. If they have an Apple watch give them a nice leather strap to wear at the the office – they look much better than a plastic one with suits.

For the new graduate’s apartment make sure they can eat healthy even if they forgot to defrost the chicken in an Instant Pot or give them a Hello Fresh gift card so they can afford to heat chef quality meals (recipes included). Get them an Apple TV so the grad can cut the cable cord or get them a monogrammed wireless charger tray – looks damn chic.
And what gifts for graduates list would be complete without a book entitled What Every Graduate Should Know. Chapters include ‘Apartment Hunting 101’ and ‘How to Understand your Paycheck’ you know things we should be taught in school but aren’t.