Being professional in your career is expected; whether that career is in the corporate or governmental world or if you are in the creative world. It’s easy to get complacent, especially with the rise of video conferencing. How many times have you only looked presentable from the waist up right? Or used an entire bottle of dry shampoo in a week? Here are 6 ways to make sure you are professional in the workplace.

I love this blazer coat for the still cold spring days but you can always switch it for a regular blazer

If you’re a Real Housewives of New Jersey fan there is a scene from the early seasons where one kid is supposed to design a shirt for her cousin’s makeup bar opening and she totally half asses the entire thing. Her cousin talks about how even though they are cousins she can’t work with her because she isn’t being professional. Even if you don’t watch RHONJ (you should start immediately) you get the point. It doesn’t matter your line of work you could always be more professional and here are 6 ways to do just that.

This one is the easiest to change and it’s also the easiest one to let slide. Once you become complacent you tend to start arriving late, I am so guilty of this! Set your alarm earlier and set another one to tell you when to leave for your commute, make it happen. If you’re not going in the office then you need to be sure that you sign on to meetings early. We all do the whole ‘8:50 – it’s too early to sign on. 8:55 – I have time to get my stuff together. 8:58 – I don’t want to be staring at everyone yet. 8:59 – oh crap what’s the code?! 9:01 – I’m late.‘ Just sign on early and mute yourself and your video and wait.

I mean everyone. From the boss, to the secretaries, to the janitors, the delivery people, and your colleagues. Know and use everyone’s name. Not only is it professional but know people’s names makes them feel a connection to you and you don’t come off as a total D. Don’t be a D.

If you’re a cluttered desk person then make sure you at least have it be a respectable clutter, give it some stacks or use trays/baskets. If you cannot tell the difference between your desk and a trash can there’s a problem. Declutter as much as you can and try to keep your workspace clean from here on out. If you’re on video calls then you need to make sure anything visible is pin straight and clean. You can make a tiny part of your room clean and the rest of it can look like a tornado but if it’s visible then tighten it up.

Dress like you belong and do anything else that makes you look like you’re in with the crowd. Without compromising any morals obviously. I have a friend who bought a yeti mug because everyone else at her office had one, it’s easy and maybe a little stupid but in the end if that helps then why not. As for what your wardrobe is then look no further than my work wear #OOTDs and the ideas for a professional // conservative // casual workplace. Look to your boss and see what dress code they fall into and emulate them.

Just shut it. No whining. There’s a difference between whining and problem solving, you need to be brining solutions. Also, I’m not so naïve to think that you’re going to cold turkey stop whining, that’s super difficult to do, so attack it in increments. Cut down on how much you complain or how many people you complain to. If your work spouse complains to you then make them your go to. Just know that whining and complaining makes you look unprofessional. Mental Health caveat – think about why you’re complaining, are these complaints valid? If so, consider if your workplace is toxic or you’re over worked and need a mental health day.

I started with the easiest fix and I’m ending with the one that takes the longest to do. You don’t just become an asset overnight, it takes time and hard work, but even working towards that goal makes you more professional. Strive to be the MVP at your office and your career can only get better.