There’s a lot that I cannot control right now: my living situation (my house is still on the market and I’m living with my mom), my work from home situation (my office is in a dining room and I don’t have access to any of my office things), my love life (…nonexistent…), the state of the world (hello COVID) – can the list get any longer? I feel like I needed to pick a few things to focus on so here’s my list of the 4 things I’m focusing on right now.

Getting as many vegetables and fruits into my system as possible
I’m so terrible at choosing to eat vegetables – give me all the carbs and sugar. I’ve started forcing myself to put as many vegetables and fruits and good things into my system as possible. Every morning I take a Buda Juice shot (either ginger or tumeric) and also a small Naked Green Juice Smoothie. Then at night, when I really want all the chocolate and ice cream, I grab bananas and collagen and whip up a smoothie.

Writing down three things I’m grateful for every morning
Every morning even if it’s on a post it note on my makeshift dining room desk I write down three things I’m grateful for. One morning one of the things I was grateful for was that I don’t have leprosy. It’s the little things right? And I am very grateful I don’t have leprosy. Looking at a written list also gives me some things to focus on that are good and wholesome.

Reaching out to a different family member every day
I wanted to take this time to connect with family but then quarantine turned into a live showing of groundhog day and I lost interest in just about everything. Can anyone relate? I wanted to break that antisocial streak so I made it a point to reach out to family every day. One person, that’s it, sometimes I reach out to more, but I consider my box checked if I talk with at least one (my mom doesn’t count haha – that would be too easy). It’s been refreshing to talk to different family members that I usually only see once a year.

Downing 100oz of water
Running to the bathroom might now count as my exercise but I’ve been trying to get 100oz of water into my body every day. Honestly, sometimes I drink 30+ oz in one sitting because I know I’m going to forget about it later in the day when I pop the wine bottle open.

From the sound of it you might think I’m having to force myself to do these things and you’d be right. I feel so out of whack that I have to force myself to make these changes otherwise I don’t think I’m going to do them. But sometimes we need that kick in the pants to jump start a change right? I’m trying to take these small things to focus on to make my life a little more manageable.
What things have you been focusing on lately? Should I add anything to my list?